Audience: Parents & Caregivers of Children have been Impacted by Trauma
Course Length: Monthly 1-hour Sessions
Registration Policy: Participants may attend one session per month. Once registered, you will automatically be registered for the remainder of the series.
Dates/Time: You may choose to attend either session.
September 2024 - August 2025
1st Wednesday of the Month, 7-8 pm
1st Thursday of the Month, 7-8 pm
Cost: Free of Charge through a generous grant by the offices of Pennsylvania Senators Amanda M. Cappelletti, Carolyn Comitta, John Kane, Tim Kearney, & Katie Muth
Method: Via Zoom. The same link will be used for both sessions for the entire series. The link will be sent out prior to each session.
Description: Information will be provided on a new topic each month related to trauma and how to manage its impact on children and families. The sessions will provide a safe space to learn about the topic, obtain resources, practice a brief mindfulness activity, and engage in mutual support.
PLEASE NOTE: The Amazon Gift Card Program has been discontinued for the 2024-2025 Series. We hope you will continue to join us!