If you are reading this, you are a Catholic gentleman willing to spend time and efforts for the training of young men in faith and virtue. May God bless you and reward you. In our age, there is a crisis of manhood and fatherhood. The Officers of the Troops of Saint George stand as models of heroic virtue in our time of crisis. These young innocent eyes will look to you as you grow in Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, and Temperance. Young men will study your standard of perseverance in Faith, Hope, and Charity toward God and mankind. The Troops of St. George needs father's to step up and lead.
Please indicate which role(s) you would be interested in serving our young men. We hope to have a minimum of two fathers helping each patrol. Patrol Leaders will not need to provide their own curriculum; we will provide you with everything you need to lead the boys.
Note: Current Troop Officers that wish to remain in their post for the upcoming year should select that role below to indicate their desire to continue for the upcoming academic year.