ASA PARENT AND/OR GUARDIAN, I hereby pledge to provide positive support, care, and encouragement for my child and all athletes by following the Sierra Athletic Conference Code of Conduct outlined below.
I.I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all athletes, coaches, participants, and officials at every game, practice, or other organization or league event. 2.I will support and treat all officials, board members. volunteers, and coaches working with my child and all athletes in order to encourage a positive and enjoyable experience for all. I will commit to a 24 hours "cooling off" period before contacting my athlete's coach or a board member, if any issues of concern arise. 3.I will not use drugs, tobacco, or alcohol while at organization and league events, games, and practices and will help ensure a sports environment that is free from drugs, tobacco, and alcohol. This includes the use of any electronic cigarettes also known as e-cigs. vapes, or vaporizers 4.I will not engage. or encourage my child or others to engage. in unsportsmanlike conduct with any coach. parent, athlete, participant, or official, including the use of verbal or physical threats or abuse. 5. I will refrain from cursing and the use of vulgar language at all events and in all communications with my child, the athletes, coaches, participants, and officials. 6. I will insist that my child and/or the athletes play in a safe and healthy environment and will not engage in any behavior that would endanger the health, safety, or well being of any coach. parent. athlete, participant. or official. 7. I will promote an environment of diversity and inclusion and ask my child and the athletes to treat other players, coaches, fans, and officials with respect regardless of race. national origin. sex, sexual orientation, creed or ability. 8.I will not engage, or encourage my child or others to engage, in acts of bullying, use of insensitive speech, or participation in any hazing activities. 9. I will not engage. or encourage my child or others to engage, in rude, disrespectful, or foul behaviors on social media or through electronic or printed communications toward any athlete, team, organization, official, or participant. 10. I will remember that the game is for youth participants and athletes - not the adults. 11. I will do my very best to make youth sports fun for my child and the athletes, recognizing that winning isa consideration, but not the only one. nor the most important one. Teaching my child and the athletes the importance of teamwork and discipline is first and foremost. 12. I will respect my child's coach and do my best to have my child at all practices, games. and events on time. 13.I will read the National Standards For Youth Sports, doing what I can to help all youth sports organizations implement and enforce them.