Each member is requested to make their Individual Grant Designation (IGD) of $500 in a distribution of either two grants for $250 each or one grant for $500. IWCF will make contributions in each member’s name to those organizations qualified by the IRS as having 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status, government entities such as schools, public libraries and park departments (as long as the grant furthers a public purpose) and religious organizations. There is no geographic restriction to these individual gifts.
You may also designate to the following:
NOTE: If you do not make your Individual Grant Designation by April 2, 2025 or make alternate arrangements by contacting us at membershipcoordinator@IWCFgives.org by April 1, your IGD funds will be automatically transferred to the 2025 Grants Pooled-Fund.
Entered into SF.
Renewal period
Choose either one or two organizations to designate. Then use the drop-down boxes by clicking on the down arrow for each to find the organization. If your chosen one is not listed, please choose "Other" and fill in the necessary information.