Event Logistic Group aims to provide a workplace that is free from discrimination, workplace bullying, harassment of any kind, aggression, victimisation and other unacceptable behaviour. All contractors and vendors must treat others fairly and with respect. The following behaviours are unacceptable;
• Bullying of any nature
• Verbal or physical abuse
• Sexism and sexual harassment
• Racism and racist behaviour
• Offensive, insulting or inappropriate communication (including via email, social media, correspondence)
• Victimisation
There will be zero tolerance towards Staff, Contractors, Vendors & Performers’ being intoxicated or consuming illicit drugs on site during work hours.
All reports of lost/missing person/s should be reported to the event manager.
Parents or Guardians should be directed to the event manager, who will complete appropriate reports and/or refer the situation to the Police if the child has been missing for 30 minutes or longer (or if the parents wish, Police can be called before this time period has elapsed)