Guidelines for Volunteer Conduct
In order to provide a productive, respectful and safe work environment, where all employees/volunteers act responsibly and with honesty, Growing Side by Side (hereinafter referred to as the “GSBS”) will not tolerate misconduct. Each volunteer must realize that misconduct of one person may have serious detrimental results for all volunteers and the Association. Thus, standards of conduct must be set and maintained. The following non-exhaustive list is illustrative of the type of conduct that is not acceptable and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Volunteers are required to fully cooperate with an investigation by GSBS, any law enforcement agency or any authorized outside agency; failure to do so is considered misconduct.
1. Discrimination or harassment in violation of our equal employment policy and anti-discrimination/anti-harassment policies
2. Mistreatment or neglect of members, guests or GSBS participants
3. Inappropriate behavior with or around Protected Persons, hereafter defined as persons 17 years and under and vulnerable adults.
4. Failure/refusal to comply with or carryout job assignments; failure/refusal to follow instructions as management requests or other insubordinate acts
5. Failure to properly record time worked or to turn in time sheets when due
6. Failure to notify the GSBS of a conviction or arrest
7. Making dishonest statements in forms or reports submitted to or required by the APSM in the performance of one's duties
8. Theft or willful damage of GSBS property or to the property of others or the removal of property without permission from GSBS management
9. Abusive or profane language towards any of the GSBS's members, customers, vendors, suppliers, employees/volunteers, or any member of the public or other individual who is in contact with the GSBS.
10. Fighting or threatening another person
11. Possession of a weapon or explosive device
12. Reporting to/being under the influence of drugs or alcohol during work time, while on GSBS premises or on GSBS business
13. Possessing, distributing, or manufacturing controlled substances
14. Unexcused absence or absence without proper notification to supervisor
15. Inefficient or substandard performance of an assigned duty or responsibility
16. Horseplay, unsafe/dangerous behavior, or unauthorized sleeping on the job
17. Failure to follow any of the APSM’s health or safety policies and/or procedures
18. Absenteeism or tardiness in reporting to work or returning from breaks
19. Conduct unbecoming
20. Unfriendly, uncooperative and/or unhelpful attitude toward members, customers, vendors, suppliers, employee/volunteers, or any member of the public or other individual who is in contact with the GSBS
21. Failure to be respectful, cooperative, and courteous to fellow employees
22. Failure to take proper care of GSBS records, including personnel information, financial data and other information relating to the GSBS
23. Violation of any of the GSBS’s policies or procedures including, but not limited to, Abuse Prevention Procedures.