There are no concessions for students enrolling in Diplomas and Advanced Diplomas.
A NSW New Entrant Trainee on a Newstart Allowance or a NSW New Entrant who is the dependant of a person receiving a Newstart Allowance is not eligible for a concession fee.
A student is eligible for a fee concession if, at the commencement of training they receive or are a dependent of a person who receives specified Commonwealth Government welfare benefit or allowance as follows:
· Age Pension
· Austudy
· Carer Payment (this category does not include the Carer Allowance or Carer Adjustment Payment)
· Disability Support Pension
· Farm Household Allowance
· Family Tax Benefit Part A (maximum rate)
· JobSeeker Payment
· Parenting Payment (Single)
· Special Benefit
· Veterans’ Affairs Pensions
· Veterans’ Children Education Scheme
· Widow Allowance
· Youth Allowance
Note: You must collect and retain on file a verified or certified:
· A letter from the Department of Human Services (Centrelink) confirming receipt of the benefit. The letter should clearly show the Centrelink Reference Number (CRN) and the benefit or allowance category; or
· A current concession card that shows the CRN and clearly shows the benefit or allowance category; or
· A current Centrelink income statement that clearly shows the CRN and the benefit or allowance category; or
· Any other evidence that clearly shows the CRN and the benefit or allowance category; or
· Documentary evidence from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs stating their pension/benefits status; or
· For people applying for Austudy or Youth Allowance, an approval letter from Centrelink that shows the CRN and indicates that commencement date of their benefit is within two weeks of their enrolment or two weeks within the date of the first-class attendance or participation in training; or
· A dependant child, spouse or partner of someone who is receiving a specified Commonwealth Government welfare benefit or allowance, must provide documentary evidence that Centrelink recognises the student as the dependant - The evidence must clearly show the CRN of the benefit or Commonwealth Government welfare recipient.
Students who qualify for a fee exemption are:
· Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people; and
· People with a disability, including the dependent child, spouse or partner of a recipient of a Disability Support Pension).
Note: For people with a disability, you must collect and retain on file a verified or certified:
· A letter from Centrelink confirming receipt of the Disability Support Pension. The letter should clearly show the Centrelink Reference Number (CRN); or
· A current Disability Pensioner Concession Card that shows the CRN; or
· A current Centrelink income statement for the Disability Support Pension, which clearly shows that income is for the disability pension and also shows the CRN; or
· Any other evidence that clearly shows the CRN and confirms receipt of the Disability Support Pension; or
· Documentary evidence of support demonstrating a clear additional need as a result of the student’s disability. This evidence must be a letter or statement from:
o a medical practitioner; or
o an appropriate government agency such as Veteran’s Affairs or a TAFE NSW teacher consultant (for a student with a disability), a school counsellor or special education coordinator, Centrelink, a Disability Service Provider, or a Job Capacity Assessor; or
o a specialist allied health professional (including a rehabilitation counsellor, psychologist, speech pathologist, or occupational therapist).
· Documentary evidence that Centrelink recognises the student as a dependant child, spouse or partner of someone who is receiving a Commonwealth Government Disability Support Pension.
· The evidence should clearly show the Centrelink Reference Number (CRN) of the Disability Support Pension recipient.
Refugees and asylum seekers Fee Waiver
Note: You must collect and retain on file a verified or certified:
Permanent visas
· Emergency rescue visa (Subclass 203)
· Global special humanitarian programme visa (Subclass 202)
· In-country special humanitarian programme visa (Subclass 201)
· Protection visa (Subclass 866)
· Refugee visa (Subclass 200)
· Woman at Risk visa (Subclass 204).
Temporary visas
· Bridging Visa A (BVA)
· Bridging Visa B (BVB)
· Bridging Visa C (BVC)
· Bridging Visa D (BVD)
· Bridging Visa E (BVE)
· Safe Haven Enterprise visa (Subclass 790)
· Temporary Humanitarian Concern visa (Subclass 786)
· Temporary Humanitarian Stay visa (Subclass 449)
· Temporary Protection visa (Subclass 785)
Fee Free Scholarships - Social Housing
Evidence as per concession above.
Fee Free Scholarships - Out of Home Care
Note: You must collect and retain on file a verified or certified:
For a student currently in out-of-home care:
· A copy of the Children’s Court Care Order; or
· A copy of the ‘Confirmation of Placement’ letter; or
· A letter from Family and Community Services or the Out-of-Home Care Designated Agency verifying that the student is in statutory or supported care; or
· Any other evidence which clearly shows that the student is in out-of-home care.
For a student previously in out-of-home care:
· A copy of the expired Children’s Court Care Order; or
· A copy of the ‘leaving care’ letter from the Minister for Family and Community Services; or
· A letter from Family and Community Services verifying the student was previously in statutory or supported care; or
· Any other evidence which clearly shows that the student was previously in out-of-home care.
Fee Free Scholarships - Domestic & Family Violence
Note: You must collect and retain on file a verified or certified a letter of recommendation is required from a domestic and family violence service, refuge or other support agency such as:
· Legal Aid NSW through their Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Services; or
· Organisations who provide Integrated Domestic Family Violence Services; or
· Organisations who provide Staying Home, Leaving Violence services; or
· Organisations who deliver Specialist Homelessness Services (i.e. refuges and crisis accommodation); or
· Domestic Violence NSW; or
· Any other organisation which clearly shows that the student is or has been previously receiving support services for domestic and family violence (for example a non-government organisation or charity that is self-funded).
Loading to Provider: Long-term unemployed – over 12 months
Note: You must collect and retain on file a verified or certified letter from Employment Service Provider.