Date: Saturday, 25 November 2023
Venue: Lennox Gardens/Canberra Peace Park
Set-Up: 9:00am to 10:30am
Event advertised to run: 11:00am to 3:00pm
Stall numbers: Limited to around 10 spots, we are curating the best plant-based options Canberra has to offer. Diverse, delicious, and of course kind is key!
Please take care
Remove all the rubbish from your site. All electrical leads and equipment must be tested and tagged in compliance with relevant standards. You must supply your own money float, with enough change for the full day, it is highly advised to have eftpos facilities available.
Social Media
Once approved, all Stallholders will be included & promoted on the event website (littleoaksanctuary.org/pignicday) the Facebook event page with links back to your own page, and via Instagram. To do this we require your digital business details, including:
- high resolution logo
- website address
- Facebook handle/Instagram handle and
- high resolution image
We respectfully ask that each accepted Stallholder will 'like' and 'share' the event Facebook page in order to maximise the event exposure.
Terms and Conditions
1. Little Oak Sanctuary reserves the right to refuse any application. Payment of invoice or notification that you do not wish to take up the offer of PIGNIC DAY stallholder is required within 14 days of receiving invoice.
2. In the event that full payment of monies owing has not been received by October 15 the offer of a site at PIGNIC DAY will be withdrawn.
3. Little Oak Sanctuary/PIGNIC DAY accepts no liability for damage to electrical equipment due to power fluctuations or failure. Please note there is limited power available, this is subject to approval. Power cables must be plugged into portable circuit breakers/power/distribution boards or blocks with Residual Current Devices (RCDs) built in. All electrical connections must be tagged and tested annually and electrical equipment must be appropriately licensed. All other Stallholder supplied power and cooking equipment are permitted subject to final approval by Market Organiser.
4. Little Oak Sanctuary reserves the right to consider all applications and decline a place to any business. Little Oak Sanctuary may restrict entry to the event and may evict any stallholder, who in the opinion of the Committee, does not comply within the guidelines and criteria of the PIGNIC DAY.
5. To observe all Committee, Fire, Health, Workplace Standard, Liquor and Gaming branch and other relevant Commonwealth and ACT regulations relating to the setup, preparation and sale of food and beverages.
6. Stallholders must carry a Public Liability policy to cover their involvement in PIGNIC DAY. A copy of the policy must be provided to Little Oak Sanctuary with this application.
7. Little Oak Sanctuary shall not, irrespective of the cause, be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever to the Stallholder's property or property hired by the Stallholder.
8. The Stallholder shall not alter the menu with the application without notifying Little Oak Sanctuary to ensure it meets the event requirements.
9. The Stallholder is not to infringe on the public space or other stallholder’s space.
10. The Stallholder is to keep the interior and rear of the stall clean, tidy and free of rubbish at all times or as instructed by Little Oak Sanctuary.
11. The Stallholder is to comply with decisions made by Little Oak Sanctuary including any decisions related to the site.
12. The Stallholder agrees to Little Oak Sanctuary taking photographs of the stall, stallholders and staff and authorise the use of those photographs, in whole or in part, for advertising or marketing purposes for the 2024 and subsequent PIGNIC DAY events.