Because we rely on a broad constituency for continued support and expansion of Reading Recovery, it is particularly important to publicly acknowledge individuals who have had a positive impact on its implementation and success. The Excellence in Literacy Leadership Award honors an individual for their partnership and commitment to building a continuum of success for Reading Recovery. Nominees are judged based on the documentation that the nominee:
- is committed to expanding Reading Recovery and maintaining its high standards
- has made significant contributions to Reading Recovery implementation beyond the local level and beyond the scope of their job position and responsibilities
- Reading Recovery-trained individuals (past or present) are not eligible for this award.
The deadline to submit a nomination is October 18, 2024.
This year's award will be presented during LitCon: National K-8 Literacy & Reading Recovery Conference in Columbus, Ohio, February 1 - 4, 2025.
Examples of previous award recipients’ exceptional work:
- A Reading Recovery site coordinator was instrumental in creating a new Reading Recovery site in another district, presented a session at an international conference to increase the visibility of Reading Recovery, participated on several RRCNA committees, and assisted with the development of RRCNA professional publications.
- A superintendent brought Reading Recovery to their district, grew its implementation, assisted other districts in starting their own implementations, advocated for statewide funding at the state legislature, and participated on the RRCNA Superintendent Advisory Council.
- A state legislator met with Reading Recovery professionals, participated in a Behind the Glass, championed Reading Recovery by securing funding for 8 Reading Recovery districts, and advocated the legislature about ineffective literacy initiatives noting the success of Reading Recovery.
- A private donor-supported Reading Recovery by providing funding for TL scholarships nationally, funding a UTC, and advocating for Reading Recovery with legislators.
Nomination Process
- Complete the form below
- Upload a letter signed by the nominating teacher leader giving an overview of the nominee’s contributions that address the award criteria
- Upload up to six letters of support from a range of people familiar with the nominee’s contributions and should demonstrate, with specific examples, the nominee’s work as it relates to each of the award criteria