One of Sawyerville's three goals is to improve race relations in Alabama. In all of our programming, we teach our campers, students, participants, and staff to love one another with no exceptions, as Jesus loves us, and to respect the dignity of every human being, as our Baptismal Covenant requires. Our actions are not produced from pity or division, but rather respect, relationship, and seeking Christ in each other.
At Person2Person, participants and staff learn about the history of race in Alabama, current events involving race, and what individuals can do to create positive change. High school students who have staffed Sawyerville Summer Camp or who will staff during Summer 2024 are invited to apply to attend Person2Person. This event is at not cost to participants and staff.
When: Friday, January 12 - Monday, January 15, 2024
Where: St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Selma, Al; St. John's Episcopal Church, Montgomery, Al
Questions? Contact Bre Mitchell,
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