Welcome to the Asian American. Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Student Achievement Program (SAP) Year 1-2 Population and Budget Report!
This report follows the release of AANHPI Student Achievement Program Fiscal Year 2022-23 and 2023-24 Funds, and is intended to be a baseline data point for our program.
As we develop a more robust statewide Central Office and AANHPI Student Achievement Program, this reporting tool will take on various iterations to ensure equitable and visible AANHPI, Low-Income, First-Generation, and Historically Underserved student success.
This report will influence advocacy, the visibility of the needs of AANHPI students, and provide a lens to begin scaling our collective AANHPI and underserved student efforts. Please review the Assurances this program requires, add in/assign your contacts, and review the report areas.
The AANHPI Student Achievement Program Central Office is available to assist in developing your report at AANHPISAP@foundationccc.org, and will be holding regular Office Hours beyond the completion deadline for this report.
This Report is due December 31, 2023. Extensions may be provided on a case-by-case basis.
The Central Office will offer as much support as your college needs to ensure this deadline does not impede your other campus reporting requirements. Extensions are available by request, but submissions beyond the deadline date may not be a part of Legislative Reporting required by the State of California.
Please consider Education Code 79511 and consider what expenditures using AANHPISAP funds may alleviate the capacity requirements for completing this report.
Office Hours take place in group settings and by appointment via Calendly upon request. Please utilize your Central Office as much as your college needs as we are happy to assist you.
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