Funding & Eligible Expenses -Minimum grant request: $500. Maximum grant request: $2500. Grant awards require a 25 percent cash match. Project expenses (grant request plus cash match) must directly relate to the implementation of a tourism-related marketing initiative targeting attendees outside of the North Iowa region for a project, meeting or event and be incurred within the calendar year (January - December)
Grant awards are limited to a maximum of 1 awarded project per organization per year.
The same project cannot receive funding 2 years in a row. If your organization received funding the prior year, you must show new marketing tactics to grow your audience outside of the North Iowa region.
Eligible expenses include (but are not limited to) planning, design, production, and placement of advertising outside of North Iowa, printed materials for distribution outside of North Iowa, or other marketing initiatives created to reach visitors to spark economic impact related to tourism expenditures.
Ineligible expenses include (but are not limited to) staff wages, prizes & giveaways for participants, equipment & software. and postage.