Consent to Treatment
The therapeutic procedures of naturopathic medicine and acupuncture are considered safe and effective methods of care. Any procedure intended to help may also have complications. While the chances of experiencing complications are small, it is the practice of this clinic to inform our patients about them.
Please read and sign below that you understand the following procedures:
Nutritional supplements, herbs, and homeopathy may be used to aid in healing. Be sure to inform your practitioner about all medications you are taking to minimize drug/supplement interactions. If you believe you are experiencing any side effects from your supplements/herbs/homeopathy be sure to alert your health care provider.
Muscle Testing is a safe and non-invasive natural method of analyzing the body’s physical and nutritional needs. It is not a method of “diagnosing” or “treating” any particular disease.
Dried Blood Cell Analysis is a tool used to help the doctor and patient conceptualize the effectiveness of natural treatments. It does not “diagnose” any particular disease.
Acupuncture is a practice that involves the insertion of stainless steel needles into the skin at specific locations throughout the body. Tingling, bruising, and numbness are possible near the needling sites, as well as dizziness. Rare risks report nerve damage, infection, and organ puncture.
Body Work includes the use of Sotai Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy, and Manual Manipulation. Generally, these are safe methods of treatment, but adverse effects may occur such as muscle soreness, bruising, blood clots, and fatigue.
I have read and understand the above statements. I understand that the health improvement program recommended to me is not for the treatment, or “cure” of any particular disease. No promise or guarantee has been made regarding the results of Muscle Testing, or any natural health, nutritional or dietary programs. Rather, the above will be used for bringing about a more optimum state of health.