Member Application
Wealth Solutions Network
Basic Contact Information
First Name
Last Name
Cell Phone
Membership Interest
Which level of membership resonates with you?
Skillset - I want to understand and be able to deliver potential solutions to my clients as a paid consultant without participating in any additional compensation that would be generated by the sale of investments and insurance based products.
Toolset - I want to understand and be able to deliver potential solutions to my client as a paid consultant and as a single point of responsibility for implementation which also can lead to compensation generated by the sale of investments and insurance based products.
Leadership - I want to be trained to serve as a mentor to others and have an opportunity to collaborate on cases and contribute to the growth of WSN and the goal of positively impacting one million families and preventing the unnecessary loss of one billion dollars by those families by September 30, 2030.
Nature of Existing Practice
Please tell us about your current practice and your goals for the future.
How many years have you been engaged in estate planning?
How would you characterize your level of expertise?
Do you maintain and use a CRM system to keep track of clients?
Do you maintain regular planned communication with your clients? If so, please describe.
What is your desired number of estate plans per month?
What do you feel is holding you back from your desired number of estate plans per month?
What have you already tried in your efforts to increase your number of estate plans and estate plan revenue?
What best represents your current range of estate planning revenue for your firm?
Over $1,000,000
How important are referrals from financial advisors to your core practice?
How much do you currently invest in advertising and marketing to attract estate planning clients?
How much do you want to invest in advertising and marketing?
What is your single most important goal right now and why?
Be honest. We make some pretty bold claims and we back them up. Do you believe it’s possible for you to add an additional six-figures to your business per year? Why or why not?
In an ideal and realistic world, what would your monthly revenues be that would make you over the moon happy?
Our group of members is special and we are protective of who we let inside. Why do you feel like you're a good fit? What will you bring to our group?
Why is RIGHT NOW the perfect time for us to help you triple the average value of your estate planning clients?
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