Welcome to the Arts Ed Box Check Out!
Kodiak Arts Council & the Munartet Project
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Phone Number
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# of participants total:
Date Needed by: (Please note: there is a 2 week preorder requirement if no shipping, 4 week preorder if you need items shipped)
Date of return: (estimate is fine)
Where do you want to pick up your Arts Ed Box?
Kodiak Arts Council Office mon-fri 10am-4pm
Hallway outside of Arts Ed Box Supply Room- next to Auditorium Dance Studio
Please give a brief description of your activity:
What Arts Ed Box would you like to check out?
Acrylic Paint markers-Acrylic paint markers use water-based acrylic paint. Easy to use on canvas, glass, paper, wood, rubber, etc, they can also can be layered and blended.
Cards/Artist Trading- (2.5" x 3.5") multi media papers- can be used with Watercolor, Collage, etc.
Cards/Greeting (5' x7")- Watercolor/mixed media paper, plus a variety of supplies such as foam sheets, felt, markers, watercolors, stamps, etc.- please specify in notes
Cards/Post (4"x 6")-Watercolor/mixed media paper, plus a variety of supplies such as foam sheets, felt, markers, watercolors, stamps, etc.- please specify in notes
Crayons- basic Crayola brand
Crayons- beeswax, large
Crayons- watersoluble Caran d'Ache Neocolor II Aquarelle Artists' Pastel Set - Assorted Colors
Block Printing- linoleum blocks, ink rollers, acrylic based inks, printmaking paper, carving tools, basic instructions. Please specify if you need fabric ink.
Brush Painting- rice paper, soft paintbrushes, ink, basic instructions.
Charcoal and Graphite Drawing- drawing tools, paper, instructions by Bonnie Dillard.
Collage- magazines, modge podge, foam brushes, basic instructions.
Gouache Paints-a cross between watercolor and acrylic- they can have watercolor like flow, but more intense color right off like acrylics.
Gel Plates- gel plates, acrylic paints, rollers, foam brushes, mixed media to play with, printmaking paper, basic instructions.
leaf, berry & blossom Line Drawing by Natasha Zahn- #2 pencils, copy paper, sharpies, scissors, glue or glue sticks, foam core, water containers, watercolor crayons or pencils, watercolor brushes, watercolor paper, gum erasers, hole punch, yarn or string, instructions by Natasha Zahn.
Line Drawing Tide Pools by Natasha Zahn- #2 pencils, copy paper, sharpies, scissors, glue or glue sticks, foam core, water containers, watercolor crayons or pencils, watercolor brushes, watercolor paper, gum erasers, hole punch, yarn or string, instructions by Natasha Zahn.
Needle Felting- needles, foam, felting wool, felt, basic instructions.
Silk Painting- fabric inks, silk scarves and/or kerchiefs, wax resist, brushes, wax paper to affix silk to, masking tape, water cups, painter's tape, instructions by Kelly Longrich.
Tie Dye: dyes, tools, basic instructions, blank 100% cotton pillowcases
Washi Tape Watercolor- washi tape, blank watercolor bookmarks, watercolor paints, brushes, hole punch, basic instructions.
Watercolor- pan or tube watercolors (please specify), palettes, brushes, watercolor crayons or pencils (please specify), water cups, watercolor paper, blank watercolor notecards, blank watercolor postcards (47 count) basic instructions.
SURPLUS rice paper
SURPLUS construction paper (specify color/s)
SURPLUS card stock plain (specify color/s)
SURPLUS drawing inks Dr. Ph. Martin
Mask Blanks- high quality paper partial masks in whimsical shapes
Extra supplies you might need and quantity:
Should be Empty: