Consent to Verify Concession Details
Please read and complete the consent for the below Centrelink authorisation. This consent will be provided to Centrelink, authorising them to provide information to Central Regional TAFE in order to assess your eligibility in relation to concessions or services provided by Central Regional TAFE when required. If you do not authorise Central Regional TAFE to verify your eligibility, you may not be eligible for concessions provided by Central Regional TAFE.
More information about Centrelink Confirmation eServices can be obtained in person at Centrelink and is also available on their website.
Student Authorisation:
I authorise Central Regional TAFE to use Centrelink Confirmation eServices (CCeS) to perform a Centrelink enquiry of my Centrelink or Department of Veterans' Affairs Customer details and relevant concession card status in order to enable the business to determine if I qualify for a concession.
I authorise Australian Government Services Australia (the Department) to provide the results of that enquiry to Central Regional TAFE.
I understand that the Department will use information I have provided to Central Regional TAFE to confirm my eligibility for relevant concessions and will disclose to Central Regional TAFE personal information including my name, address, payment and concession card type and status.
This consent, once given, remains valid while I am a student of Central Regional TAFE unless I withdraw it by contacting Central Regional TAFE or the Department.
If I withdraw my consent or do not alternatively provide proof of my circumstances/details, I may not be eligible for concessions provided by Central Regional TAFE.