All Residence Club Members with Elite Alliance Reciprocity privileges who wish to deposit their Mayacama Planned Vacations into the Elite Alliance Program may deposit one or two 1-Bedroom Casitas, or a 3-Bedroom Villa booked for a seven day week beginning and ending on a Tuesday, which equates to one deposited Planned Vacation.
All Residence Club Members with Timbers Reciprocity privileges who wish to deposit their Planned Vacations into the Timbers Reciprocity Program are required to deposit two 1-Bedroom Casitas, or a 3-Bedroom Villa booked for the same seven day week beginning and ending on a Tuesday, which equates to two deposited Planned Vacations.
Note: Reciprocity deposits will not be accepted for the following:
Spring Aeration: March 19 - 26
All Vintner Pour: May 7 - 14
Mayacama Cup: May 21 - 28
Member-Member Tournament: June 18 - 25
Mayacama Club Championship: August 13 - 20
Women's Member-Guest: September 3 - 10
Men's Member-Guest: September 24 - October 1
Fall Aeration: October 8 - 15
Thanksgiving: November 26 - December 3