I hereby give my consent to the administering of the vaccine as specified in the choice above. I acknowledge the risks and benefits in administering of the vaccine. I likewise understand that such risks of having side effects or complications associated with the receiving of the vaccine cannot be predicted.
I have been advised to stay in the facility for at least 15 minutes after the vaccine has been given to me for observation.
I hereby release and hold harmless the facility, its staff, agents, employees, successors, affiliates, subsidiaries, directors, and officers from any and all liabilities or claims whether known or unknown arising from, or in connection with the administration of the vaccine listed above.
I authorize the disclosure of my information for the purpose of necessary processing, recording of my information relevant to the administering of the vaccine including claims for costs and fees.
I agree to be responsible for any financial cost-sharing amounts, including copays, coinsurance, and other deductibles including those which are not covered by my insurance benefits.