Prior-trip ReimbursementIt is allowable to reimburse travel expenses prior to the trip as long as it meets all other travel compliance requirements (keeping in mind UW receipt policy). Reimbursement is processed the same as after the trip. Airfare, registration, and lodging are eligible expenses for a prior-trip reimbursement.
RestrictionsThe following expenses are not eligible for prior-trip reimbursement:
If Worktags are unknown, type a budget description (i.e., xx startup) into the comment section. Astronomy fiscal staff will complete fields if needed.
The UW Travel Policies including allowable and unallowable expenses, per diem, and receipt/records requirements can be found here.
Expense reimbursements must be submitted to the Astronomy Office within 60 days of: the end of the trip (for travel-related expense reimbursements) and the date of the purchase (for non-travel-related expense reimbursements).
As of July 1, 2023, AST (College Administrative Support Team) no longer processes reimbursements for receipts incurred more than 90 days before ticket submission. The department requests it within 60 days to allow for processing time between the department and AST. If you are submitting a reimbursement that falls after 60 days but within 90 days, please notify immediately.
Travel reimbursement requests received after 60 days but within 90 days are not guaranteed but will be prioritized and processed to the best of our ability.
Travel reimbursement requests received after 90 days are ineligible for reimbursement and will not be processed.
Select "Save for Later" to return and complete form another time.
Select "Review" to review and sumbit reimbursement request.
By selecting the "Submit" button, you are acklowledging that you have read and understand the 60/90-day Rule as desribed above, and have read and understand the UW Travel Policies pertaining to reimbursements.