CA Auto Insurance Quote Request
Please complete the intake form so we can shop for the best auto insurance option for you. All questions mandatory to ensure all underwriting questions are addressed.
Photo of Driver's License (All Drivers Required)
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Upload a photo for all drivers.
If address on the driver's license is outdated, please confirm the correct garaging address for all cars
Cell Phone Number
Please enter a valid cell phone number.
Email for DocuSign
For DocuSign Only
How Many Drivers On the Policy?
Please Select
Just Me - Only 1 Driver
2 Drivers
3 Drivers
4 Drivers
5 or more Drivers
VIN Number(s) of each vehicle
Separate EACH VIN with a comma
Current Odometer Reading (this will be verified later with a photo)
Describe your daily commute…
Drive to work everyday
Work from home full time
Commute 2-3x per week
I'm a business owner so my commute varies
What is your Job Title & Employer Name?
Employer Address
If you work from home full time, confirm this
How long have you had this car?
Brand New Purchase aka Less Than 90 Days
6 Months to 1 Year
1 Year to 3 Years
3 Years or More
Who are you currently insured with?
If no active coverage, describe when your policy ended.
Bonus points: Attached Proof of Current Coverage aka Policy Declaration Page
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In the LAST 5 YEARS, how many accidents or tickets have you had? Check ALL that apply. We will run reports to validate this information so be clear :)
None, I have a spotless record! (congrats, btw)
I have 1 At-Fault accident, no injuries
I have 1 At-Fault accident, with injuries
I have more than 1 At-Fault accident
I have 1 Not-At-fault accident
I have more than 1 Not-At-Fault accident
If you commute to work, what address do you drive to?
My car is currently...
Fully Owned, No Payments
Renters & Owners
I am currently a renter & YES, I want to bundle my renters insurance
I am currently a renter & I DO NOT want to bundle my renters insurance
I own property & YES, I want to bundle my home insurance
I own property & NO, I do not want to bundle my home insurance
Any special or important things we should know about your situation? Please feel free to elaborate here so we get the full picture. Thank you!
Submit to Nichol
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