1. Submit Membership Application (now)
Fill out the Membership Application below to indicate interest in joining the Mid-Atlantic Soaring Association, Inc. Please visit our website at JOIN US to understand the membership levels, membership obligations, costs, and personal physical limitations. You may be able to apply for Family Membership with no initiation fee if an existing immediate family member is already a M-ASA member in good standing. Only one additional person can apply for Family Membership.
M-ASA will evaluate your application, and depending on our capacity you may be placed on a wait-list.
2. Join M-ASA as Provisional Member (when invited)
Upon being invited to join as a Provisional member, you will be asked to visit M-ASA to meet with us again and obtain 2 recommending signatures from Board members or M-ASA Instructors. You will also be asked to sign the Indemnity and Waiver Form, and make the appropriate payment of dues and half the initiation fee.
3. Request Full Membership (after 1 year)
You must request Full Membership after maintaining good standing for one year as a Provisional member and demonstrating active participation in club activities. These include - flying; club operations; mandatory training. You will become a full member upon unanimous Board vote and payment of the balance of your initiation fees.
Email us at joinus@midatlanticsoaring.org