Pre-8 Moves Survey
8 Moves is a spirituality program developed by Glen McWherter for his Doctor of Ministry Project. Thanks for taking time to respond to this pre-assessment survey of your spiritual life. After completing this survey a Thank You response with more information will be sent to you. Whether or not you decide to join an 8 Moves group, your participation will help us to improve the curriculum. The result totals may be included in Glen McWherter’s Doctor of Ministry Project but the participant identities will be kept anonymous.
How important is spirituality in your life?
1-Not important at all
2-Slightly important
3-Moderately important
4-Very important
5-Extremely important
How often do you engage in spiritual practices?
1-Not at all
4-Very often
5-Every day
How connected do you feel to your inner self or higher self?
1-Not connected
2-Slightly connected
3-Moderately connected
4-Very connected
5-Extremely connected
Do you believe your spiritual practice is helpful for overcoming challenges and obstacles in your life?
1-Not helpful at all
2-Slightly helpful
3-Moderately helpful
4-Very helpful
5-Extremely helpful
Has your spiritual practice helped you cultivate positive thinking and optimism?
1-Not effective
2-Slightly effective
3-Moderately effective
4-Very effective
5-Extremely effective
Has your spiritual practice helped you manage stress and relieve anxiety?
1-Not effective
2-Slightly effective
3-Moderately effective
4-Very effective
5-Extremely effective
Do you believe your spiritual practice has helped you build endurance and faithfulness?
1-Not helpful
2-Slightly helpful
3-Moderately helpful
4-Very helpful
5-Extremely helpful
Do you believe your spiritual practices have been a help for you to connect compassionately with others?
1-Not helpful
2-Slightly helpful
3-Moderately helpful
4-Very helpful
5-Extremely helpful
The following questions are "open-ended." Please try to make your responses as complete as possible.
As you consider your spiritual practice, how do you cultivate compassion toward others?
How does your spiritual practice help you manage negative emotions like anger and resentment?
In your spiritual practice, what role does gratitude and appreciation play?
In your practice, how do you connect with your inner self or higher self?
What values and virtues do you prioritize in your spiritual practice?
How does your spiritual practice give you a sense of purpose and meaning?
How does your practice help you cultivate mindfulness and awareness?
How does meditation and prayer work in your spiritual practice?
How does your spiritual practice help you with challenges and obstacles in your life?
How does your spiritual practice help you build resilience and perseverance in your life?
How does your spiritual practice contribute to health and wellness?
How does your practice help you overcome habits and negative actions?
Religious background?
Prefer not to say
What is your age?
0-15 years
16-30 years
31-45 years
45-60 years
61-75 years
76+ years
What is your Ethnicity?
Latino or Hispanic
Native American
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
Two or More
Prefer not to say
What is your annual household income?
Less than $25,000
$25,000 - $50,000
$50,000 - $100,000
$100,000 - $200,000
More than $200,000
Prefer not to say
First Name
Last Name
Should be Empty: