Register for a free exploration session
Just want a quick call with me? +44 (0)7423 464 584
(e.g. for bespoke consultancy, collaboration, etc)
In this session (usually 30-45 mins) I help you get clarity on your challenges(s) and identify where the Smart Activist could support you in your (current or future) work. It is a chance for you to feel if this is a match for you.
IMPORTANT: Your information will be treated confidentially and will never be shared with any one else but The Smart Activist. Unless you decide to continue with The Smart Activist, all personal data will be deleted after the first session.
What are you interested in?
The Impact Sweet Spot Programme
1-1 Coaching / Mentoring Sessions
The 6-module Programme for organisations
The Smart Activist Communicate!
Other / I don't know yet
Your name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number (optional)
Where did you hear about The Smart Activist?
What is your situation with respect to work?
I work for a company
I work for an NGO/charity/other non-commercial
I am self-employed / business owner
I currently do not work
Which issue(s) are you working on / involved in at the moment?
How long have you been working on social or environmental change? (This includes volunteer work)
Less than 5 years
5-15 years
more than 15 years
Please give a short summary of your main challenges in your work.
At this stage of your career, do you have a sense of what would be most helpful for you? If so, can you share a few words on that?
How important is it for you to improve your situation?
Not important
Extremely important
1 is Not important , 10 is Extremely important
Do you agree that self-awareness and self-care is crucial when working on social change, as well as professional knowledge and skills?
Not convinced yet
I see this differently
Have you ever done any work on a personal level, for example, coaching, guided reflection, mindfulness etc.?
Yes, quite a lot
Yes, a little bit
I’m not so interested in that.
Do you agree that change in your life is worth a significant investment, be it financially and/or time and energy?
Yes, I (kind of) get that
I see that differently
Any additional comments or questions?
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