VAT-Light Registration
If you are not VAT registered and invoicing B2B to EU companies, or have expenses from EU companies, you *must* be VAT-Light registered and file a VAT Return and Souhrne Hlaseni if you invoiced to / had expenses from EU B2B in that month. No invoice to / from EU client / supplier = no filing for that month.
IMPORTANT: you have this obligation from the FIRST month you invoice EU B2B.
Full VAT Registration
If you make more than 2M / 12 months from CZECH clients, you have to register for Full VAT Registration and file a VAT Return and Kontrolne Hlaseni. This always starts as a monthly obligation. In case you only have Czech expenses but no revenue, you CAN NOT register for VAT.
IMPORTANT: you have this obligation from the FIRST month you cross the 2M CZK
Too Late with registering?
If you already invoiced B2B to European companies or are over 2M/12m from Czech Clients, We quickly need to register you and file backwards, from the month you were supposed to be registered. You can upload your documents (all your invoices + proof of payment) with this form.