Fitness with Danii
Let me know how I can help you.
How long are your w'orkouts?
0-30 mins
30-60 mins
60-90 mins
More than 90 mins
'When do you prefer to do exercise?
Early in the morning
In the middle of the day
What type of training are you currently doing?
Interval Training
What is your main Goal right now?
Lose weight
Gain weight
Maintain weight
Build muscles
Stay fit
Do you follow an exercise plan?
Yes, I have exercise programs for certain periods.
Yes, I have exercise programs but I can't fully practice it.
No, I don't have any.
I work with a personal trainer.
Do you have a partner to exercise together?
Yes, I have a buddy.
No, I don't.
Do you have a nutrition plan?
Yes, I count calories and consume athletics food supplements.
Yes, I count calories but I don't consume any supplemental food.
No, I don't but I eat healthy.
No, I eat totally random.
What’s stopping you from reaching your goals at the moment?
I don’t know what I’m doing
I don’t have a plan
What motivates you best to reach your fitness goals?
12. What is the biggest challenge that can keep you away from your fitness goals?
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