1:1 Mentoring Session for Women's Circle Facilitator with Lauralee
Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions. Your answers will help me create your Mentoring Session around your Intention and needs www.lauraleethomson.com/mentoring
First Name
Last Name
Have you attended Women's Circle with Lauralee before?
I've attended other Women's Circles
Describe your experience as a Circle Facilitator, ie: new to holding Circles, highly experienced etc
Describe any experience, expertise, training, interests and passions that may be relevant to you as a Women's Circle Facilitator. For eg: Naturopath, Reiki Healer etc
Your business website and/or instagram
Please share your Intention (or focus) for your Mentoring Session
Main areas of focus for your Mentoring Session (select all that are relevant)
Discover themes for Circles that honour your passions and expertise
How to plan your Women's Circle so it flows well from beginning to end, including time management using the Circle Planner that Lauralee created and uses every event
Tips and tricks to ensure the smooth running of your Circle
Guidance in creating Rituals that align with your Circles
Calling in women aligned with your work, the importance of clear Intention, including being clear on who your Circle is for and who it is not for
Guidance in writing up Women's Circle Agreements of Guidelines to create safety and an understanding of expectations during your Circle
Ritual for Calling In Women for your Circles (this begins to set the Energetic Space for and your clear Intention for your Circle)
Ritual for Welcoming Women to your Circle once they have booked (this continues to hold the Energetic Space and Intention for your Circle)
Setting Physical and Energetic Space before your Circle Begins
Setting up an Altar as a centre point and focus of your Intention for Circle
Before and After Circle Self Care, including practices to ground you in your body and your own energy before holding space for others
Space to share what is present for you, blocks, fears, excitement, unknowing, stuckness, imposter syndrome, the internal saboteur, sister wounds, witch wounds etc etc! Space to share it all knowing that it will be safely witnessed and held and guidance provided where necessary
Post Circle debrief - celebrate what worked, taking lessons from what didn't work and fine tuning, knowing all will be held in confidence
Other (describe below)
Mentoring Session Options
Single Mentoring Session
3 Session Package
What do you hope to get out of your Mentoring Session?
Any additional information you would like to share
Preferred Day/s (select preferred times and days and I will contact you with a few options)
Saturday afternoon
Preferred Time
10.30am-12pm (weekdays)
11am-12.30pm (weekdays)
11.30am-1pm (weekdays)
12.00-1.30pm (weekdays)
1.30-3.00pm (Saturday)
Should be Empty: