Description & Disclaimers
An overview of this Enhancement can be found on the Igloo Help Center.
CSS will be placed in the digital workplace to allow site admins and editors to customize the banner that displays behind the titles of pages on their site. Banners can be set for a parent page or space and will be applied to all child pages automatically. This allows each space or section of a site to have a distinct look and feel.
Keep in mind the following when using the Dynamic Banner Background Enhancement:
- The end of your image URL must be the exact same name as the page itself because the images are applied to a page based on a matching URL path. Since changing the file name of an image will not change its URL, if the URL of a page with a custom banner changes, a new image will need to be uploaded with the appropriate title and URL.
- To avoid error, name your image upload using the space/page name you want it to appear on with no file type at the end of the name (ie. there should be no .jpg at the end) on your very first time uploading it.
- If the URL of two pages have the same ending, they will both use the same image. For example, if there are two spaces with a channel called 'folder' they will both use an image called 'folder' as their banner image, even if the parent spaces have different banners set.