Request for Service Form
Welcome to Disability Garden Services
Where people living with disabilities are providing garden services to people living with a disability. Please complete the following with as much detail as possible:
About You
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Address of property to be serviced
Address of property requiring garden services
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Upload images of the lawn/garden (if possible)
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
What services are you hoping for us to deliver to you:
Lawn Mowing and Edging
Potting and repotting plants
Other treatments: Fertilising, Spraying Weeds
Any comments:
Appointment to view and quote
What is the best day and time to view the gardens/lawns and discuss specifications with you?
About the Service
Desired start date for delivery of first service
Hour Minutes
AM/PM Option
Desired cycle for service delivery:
4 weekly
6 weekly
8 weekly
Preferred day of the week for service delivery:
Monday AM
Monday PM
Tuesday AM
Tuesday PM
Wednesday AM
Wednesday PM
Thursday AM
Thursday PM
Friday AM
Friday PM
Payment options
Which of the following payment options applies to you?
NDIS Plan - Self-Managed Plan
NDIS Plan - Plan Managed Plan
MyAgedCare Plan - Self-Managed Plan
MyAgedCare Plan - Plan Managed Plan
Private paying client
If plan managed, please indicate your plan managers details below:
First Name
Last Name
Plan Manager
Organisation (if applicable)
First Name
Last Name
Type a question
Terms of Service
A quotation of hours and the tasks to be completed will be given in writing before commencement of the job.
Where the job takes longer than expected, additional hours will be negotiated with the client or if they are a regular client, the work will be carried over to the next period of service. Additional hours will be charged at the same hourly rate.
The client agrees to ensure access to the property at the agreed appointment time.
Cancellation of the appointment needs to be 24 hours in advance via a phone conversation with Andy on 0422 203 882. Failure to notify of cancellation or failture to allow access to the property at the agreed appointment time will result in a fee of $55.
Disability Garden Services agrees to supply all equipment.
Any rubbish generated by the service provided may be taken away for an additional fee. It is not included in the delivery price.
Disability Garden Services assume responsibility for the safety of all workers whilst onsite. We adhere to NDIS safety guidelines.
Where the customer is not satisfied with the work carried out, a complaint may be lodged with the site supervisor. If this cannot be resolved, an independent mediator will be appointed.
Invoices will be issued via email following delivery of service. The client agrees to pay the fees and charges within 7 days of receipt of the invoice.
If a plan reaches its limit and work that has been carried out is unable to be paid through the NDIS or MyAgedCare plan, the client agrees to pay the costs privately. It is the responsibility of the client to be aware of their plan limits and to supply the appopriate contact information to Disability Garden Services to enable clear communication with plan managers.
Payment options include:
Direct Debit into our account
Cash on the day
First Name
Last Name
Should be Empty: