A. Attendance and Participation
This information provided in this form is correct and I will attend the LMTI Fall Leadership Conference at YMCA Camp Mason (23 Birch Ridge Road, Hardwick NJ 07825) from November 10-12, 2023
B. Insurance
I agree to pay any medical bills (independently or through insurance) that may arise as a result of injuries incurred at the LMTI Fall Leadership Conference.
C. Medical Consent
I hereby consent and authorize the LMTI Health Care Staff to administer medication as needed to me. I understand that the LMTI Fall Leadership Conference occurs in an outdoor setting and hereby authorize trained LMTI Staff or Health Care Staff to administer first aid to the me when necessary. In the event of a medical emergency, I understand that I may be transported to Newton Memorial Hospital, or another hospital as may be necessary or otherwise determined. I give permission for the administration of all needed medicines, performance of all surgical and other treatment, and the administration of any anesthetic or injection which, in the opinion of the attending physician, may be necessary and/or advisable in the event of any medical emergencies.
D. Photo/Video Release
I give permission for photographs/video footage to be taken of the me, and for photographs/video footage in which I am in included to be used for purposes of publicity by LMTI and Partners in Prevention, as well as program partners and funders with the express written consent of Partners in Prevention. This includes publication of pictures/video on LMTI websites social media outlets.
E. Consent for Text Message Alerts & App Communication
I give permission for LMTI to send event and info alerts via text message or identified cell phone app via the cell phone number provided. I can opt out of this communication by contacting the LMTI Staff at any time.
I understand that LMTI and YMCA Camp Mason are operating in accordance with Covid-19 federal, state, and local youth camp safety guidelines. I understand the dangerous and infectious nature of the COVID-19 virus, and acknowledge that the COVID-19 virus may be transmitted from person to person even if all federal, state, local, and other COVID-19 guidelines are followed. I understand that LMTI, YMCA Camp Mason, and NCADD-Hudson/Partners in Prevention cannot guarantee that any person will not become infected with the COVID-19 virus. I understand and authorize that I may be administered a rapid or other COVID-19 test during camp in the case of COVID-like symptoms or if an exposure occurs. I understand that if I am tested and the test is positive, I will quarantine as per health guidelines, and that I am required to leave YMCA Camp Mason by day's end. NOTWITHSTANDING THESE RISKS, I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I AM VOLUNTARILY PARTICIPATING WITH KNOWLEDGE OF THE DANGERS INVOLVED. I HEREBY AGREE TO ACCEPT AND ASSUME ALL RISKS OF INJURY, ILLNESS, DISABILITY, DEATH, AND/OR PROPERTY DAMAGE ARISING FROM ATTENDING THE CONFERENCE, HOWEVER CAUSED. TO THAT END, IN ADDITION TO AND NOT IN LIMITATION OF THE RELEASE, WAIVER, AND INDEMNIFICATION SET OUT IN PARAGRAPH G, BELOW, I WILL NOT HOLD LMTI, YMCA CAMP MASON, NCADD-HUDSON/PARTNERS IN PREVENTION, OR ANY OF THEIR STAFF, PRINCIPALS, OR AGENTS, RESPONSIBLE FOR, AND HEREBY RELEASE EACH AND EVERYONE ONE OF THEM, FROM ANY CLAIMS, DAMAGES, LOSSES, INJURY, OR DEATH, ASSOCIATED WITH COVID-19 AND RELATED MATTERS.
G. Release, Waiver, and Indemnification
I, the undersigned, do hereby execute this release, waiver, and indemnification and agree to represent as follows:
The release of YMCA Camp Ralph S. Mason, NCADD-Hudson/Partners in Prevention, the Lindsey Meyer Teen Institute and their employees, and agents from any and all liability, loss, damage, costs, claims or causes of action including, but not limited to, all bodily injuries and property damages arising out of the sole negligence or other acts or omissions of YMCA Camp Mason, NCADD-Hudson/Partners in Prevention, and the Lindsey Meyer Teen Institute I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless the said above from any and all liability, loss, damage costs, or causes of action, including attorney’s fees and witness costs, arising out of the undersigned participation in the Lindsey Meyer Teen Institute (LMTI) Fall Leadership Conference and other events scheduled for the 2023-2024 school year.