BIG CAL, the Wellbeing Octopus
Loan Agreement
Background to BIG CAL and BIG CAL Junior!
BIG CAL is a homemade, knitted toy, a much larger version of the #KnitWellbeing creations of CAL, the Wellbeing Octopus. CAL supports early years settings in the learning of wellbeing indicators – SHANARRI: Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active,Respectful, Responsible and Included, part of Getting it right for every child(GIRFEC). Start at the Beginning, a nonprofit book author, publisher and knitting group,aspires to share BIG CAL with early years settings (nurseries and primary schools) who are using CAL’s Wellbeing Game and Wellbeing Pack. The details below set out an Agreement between Start at the Beginning (‘the Lender’) and the Nursery/School (‘theBorrower’), to share BIG CAL, trusting that BIG CAL will be treated carefully and mindfully, to avoid any damage and/or disrepair. There is no cost (charge) between ‘the Lender’ and ‘the Borrower,’ for borrowing BIG CAL. The only cost is the postage and preparation (P&P) which will be naturally change depending on distance of travel. ‘The Lender’ will arrange the transporting of BIG CAL between settings (from one ‘Borrower’ to another), using a preferred professional courier/delivery service.
Late, Missing or Damage/minor repair to BIG CAL:
It is ‘the Borrower's’ responsibility to ensure that BIG CAL is returned on time and in good condition. All late returns will be followed up by ‘the Lender.’ Any damage/minor repair to BIG CAL will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. If BIG CAL is severely damaged in any way, ‘the Borrower’ may be liable for the cost of repair (approximately £10). 'The Lender' requests 'the Borrower' to take a photo of BIG CAL on arrival as proof of condition, and report back to 'the Lender' if there are any issues, such as dirt, damage (e.g. to the eyes). 'The Lender' will then work out the best way to repair/solve any issues. When it comes to sending BIG CAL to the next location, 'the Borrower' will share another photo of BIG CAL. If lost, ‘the Borrower’ will need to reimburse ‘the Lender’ the cost to remake BIG CAL to the total of £50. Terms and Conditions: 1. BIG CAL must be returned by the expected date. If BIG CAL has not been returned by this date, ‘the Borrower’ may not be permitted to borrow BIG CAL again. 2. No changes, alterations may be made to BIG CAL. 3. ‘Borrowers’ may borrow BIG CAL more than once. 4. ‘Borrowers’ can reserve a date well in advance e.g. 6-months, and BIG CAL may become a regular visitor. 5. If BIG CAL is damaged beyond repair, ‘the Borrower’ may be liable for cost of remaking BIG CAL. 6. If BIG CAL is lost, ‘the Borrower’ may need to reimburse the cost BIG CAL of £50 (non- negotiable) 7. If BIG CAL is returned late, ‘the Borrower’ may not be able to borrow BIG CAL again 8. Please return BIG CAL in the same condition that you borrowed and always package in a BOX for postage, labelled with the Paid for Postage Label with the next address. 9. Any costs incurred due to damage to BIG CAL will be accountable to ‘the Borrower.’
First Name
Last Name
Address of Delivery:
Nursery/Early Year's Setting/Primary School
Street Address
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Preferred start date of proposed loan: the usual loan period is 4 weeks (28 days). Negotiable for shorter or longer periods.
BIG CAL is part of the Wellbeing Pack and is aimed to be an additional learning tool for a setting already using CAL. I confirm that the early year's setting has been using CAL's Wellbeing Tools as part of the wellbeing support for early years
Please Select
On order
BIG CAL Loan Agreement Declaration: I confirm that I have read, understood, and agree to the terms set out in the Start at the Beginning BIG CAL loan agreement. By signing below, I accept the terms set out in the BIG CAL Loan Policy. I confirm that I agree to pay the postal costs (approx. £10) which will be confirmed and require payment before posting. NAME:
List of the Wellbeing Tools at the school/nursery:
Should be Empty: