Parental Permission - Please Read Carefully
By submitting this form I agree to allow my son or daughter to participate in the 2023 W. D. Boyce Council Popcorn Fundraiser as a "Solo Seller" - meaning that there is no expectation of logistical or financial involvement of their regular Scouting unit.
Take Orders - I understand that my Scout and I will be responsible for the delivery and collection of payment for any orders taken in the Trail's End app or on paper, including the pickup of popcorn on November 18 in either East Peoria, Bloomington or Peru. Orders must be entered in the Trail's End app no later than October 31. Payment will be due in the Trail's End app prior to picking up popcorn on November 18.
Note: Credit Card payments are accepted in the Trail's End app at no extra cost when placing orders, and eliminate the need to handle cash or checks. Parents may also submit a credit card payment via the app to cover any sales paid to the Scout using cash or check.
Online Orders - I understand that my Scout may share a link to their online sales page, through which products may be ordered and shipped directly to customers' homes. All sales made in this manner will be paid directly by the customer using a credit or debit card.
Additional information regarding the Solo Sellers program may be found at