Melmount Community Forum and partner groups offer all projects on a first come, first served basis.
Project participation forms must be completed by all participants individually. One form per place available. Booking will only be confirmed on receipt by Melmount Community Forum staff of stated booking fee (non refundable).
Successful Participants will be contacted personally prior to commencement of project and only project delivery staff may change details or the identity of Participants taking part. Therefore it is very important that should the arrangements of a Participant change then the Melmount Forum Office (07840461611) be contacted and notified of same right away.
No participant will be permitted to take part in any project unless authorised through the project delivery staff direct.
Our target area of delivery is Neighbourhood Renewal areas first and foremost.
Whilst our aim is to encourage new participation we reserve the right as a neighbourhood renewal funded project to exhaust places through old or new participants from within neighbourhood renewal areas before offering places to anyone else beyond.
However should the required number of participants at this stage not be met we reserve the right to offer our projects to residents beyond our target area to ensure full project protental and delivery. Places will be offered to those who have completed a participation form and are on our reserve list and will be offered by means of next in line.
All projects incur a cost to the organisation and/or Funder therefore you are required to attend or cancel your reservation to ensure that your place is offered to the next person on our project reserve list. These are Community protects and as such no person should be disavantaged due to someones failure to cancel their reserved place.
Any person not honouring their agreement to attend without exceptional circumstances will be excluded from future projects.
Funders now require an 80% attendance with failure to comply incurring a charge to the non attending participants. We encourage you to submit this participation form only if you are fully capable of seeing the project to its full conclusion and cancel with a full weeks notice should your circumstances change.
All participants are required to be in place 10 minutes before project commencement/departure to ensure no delays and to ensure your full participation.
The Melmount Community Forum and Partner Goups take no responsibility for your failure to take part due to the above requirements not being met.
In instances were food is on offer as part of the project the Melmount Community Forum will only be responsible for that food that has been pre ordered and in line with the requirements of the fundiong body. Any additional food ordered by the participant will become the responsibility of the participant to purchase.
Departure point is nominated to ensure no obstruction to other residents, businesses, visitors and to offer parking facilities. We are unable to offer multiple pick up points therefore participation is agreed on the basis that the participant makes their way to the departure point as directed prior to project delivery.
Promotional photographs may be taken to fulfill the requirements of our funders. By your participation in this event/project we deem that you give permission for your photograph to be used unless notified differently pre event taking place.
Privacy Notice (GDPR):
By signing this Declaration of Project Interest form, you agree that Melmount Community Forum Groups may securely collect, use and retain the personal data of you and any person within your family unit that may wish to take part in any activities provided by the Melmount Community Forum and their associated groups.
As such any data collected will be securely retained for the duration of our project year (Twelve Months) in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018.
This information will be soley used for;
(a) the processing of this Declaration of Interest Form; and
(b) the administration of any project membership with our organisation.
The collection of data on behalf of Melmount Community Forum is by means of our subscribed online platform (JOTFORM) and is shared with no other third parties:
You have the right to remove your consent at any time by contacting Melmount Community Forum via the following email:
Age restrictions may apply depending on project.
Any queries should be put in writing to:
Community Development Officer.
Melmount Community Forum.
318a Ballycolman Estate,
Strabane. BT82 9EH.