Welcome! Here's everything you need to play the Dimensional Drawing Game.
First there's a written outline of the game.
Second there's a full length video replay of the game so you can play along in real time with the group
Third, if you prefer, listen to audio excerpts from the masterclass replay.
How to play the game:
1. Tune-in: relax and connect to your inner wisdom.
2. Do a simple "squiggle" drawing: eyes closed, using your non dominant hand. Do not direct or control your drawing, allow the energy come through you.
3. Review the messages in your drawing: let your knowing "see" and feel what is there, hidden within the squiggles. Allow your intuitive insight to bring your awareness to an desire/issue/question/worry in your life it wants you to notice consciously.
4. Drop in for the guided Dimensional Healing meditation.
5. Do a second squiggle drawing: this time from the new healing energy you have brought with you from the other dimension.
6. Review your second drawing: notice how it looks and feels different compared to the first. What is your knowing saying? How have you changed?
Play the game with guided video or audio:
- VIDEO: below is a full length video replay of the Dimensional Drawing Game - play alongside members for the full experience.
- AUDIO: you can play whilst reading the instructions in the book. Here are 2 supporting audio tracks: first, a guided tuning-in; then second (after you've completed your first drawing) listen to the guided Dimensional Healing meditation, before you do your second drawing.