If you wanted to apply for more than 6 different positions, please contact volunteer@thetatau.org for the opportunity to submit additional position applications.
Theta Tau Strategic Framework
Engineering Leaders for Service, Profession, and Brotherhood
PURPOSE (Why do we exist)The purpose of Theta Tau is to develop and maintain a high standard of professional interest among its members, and to unite them in a strong bond of fraternal fellowship
CORE VALUES (What we stand for)
From recruitment, through pledging, to lifelong brotherhood, our members are:
OUR GOALS (What we seek to achieve)For our Brotherhood:
For our Profession:
For our Communities
Appointed National Officer Commitment Form
As a National Officer in Theta Tau, I will:
Accept my personal responsibility to:
Theta Tau Executive Council Commitment Form
I understand that:
As a member of the Executive Council, I will:
I will accept my personal responsibility to: