I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the information that I have given by me in this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that any false statement or omission may render me liable to prosecution or dismissal without notice. I fully understand the consequences which may arise as a result of knowingly making a false declaration to gain employment or pecuniary advantage. (Theft Act 1968 Section 16). I accept that I may be required to undergo a medical examination were requested by the Company and I consent to the results of such examination being given to a Company Director. I further understand that a credit agency check may be carried out on me, and I give my consent to this. I understand and agree that if so, required I will
Have you any criminal convictions, cautions, reprimands, or final warnings against you excluding any convictions which are "spent" under the above Act?
make a Statutory Declaration in accordance with the provisions of the Statutory Declarations Act 1835, in confirmation of previous employment or unemployment. I authorize the company to approach Government agencies, former employers, and personal referees for verification of my employment/unemployment record.
DISCLOSURE: You may be employed in a position of trust by a company or one of its subsidiary companies we may have to apply for a Disclosure from the Criminal Records Bureaux. However, having a criminal record does not necessarily bar you from employment. If you wish to obtain more information, please ask The Company Personnel Department for their Code of Practice or their policy statement regarding ex-offenders. Disclosure information is treated in a sensitive way and is restricted to those who need to see it to make a recruitment decision. The Disclosure information is not retained i.e., it is disposed of within the timescales; recommended in the CRB Code of Practice. By signing below, you agree to this process