In applying for the Miss Alaska At Large Titles, I do comply with these rules
I am a female; a US citizen between the ages 13-28; not married and not pregnant, not a parent or cusodial parent; never convicted of any crime; I do not use, consume or distribute any illegal or controlled substances; I have lived (or) worked full-time in Alaska 30 days prior to the competition, (or) am a full-time student at a school in Alaska. If accepted, I will enter into a contract with the competition and fufill my duties as a contestant.
I understand I will be responsible for the following fees and there will be no refunds
$35 MAO Registration Fee- MAO Registration-Alaska
$250 At Large Title Fee (see payment info below)
$500 MASF State Comptition Fee due by May 1st, 2024, unless ad sales has covered fee.
I understand Miss Alaska Week is June 4th-6th, 2024 and Participation is Mandatory.
My title will expire at midnight on June 6th, 2024