Garden State MOSAIC is a free, multi-faith educational and leadership program offered to teens in the 8th - 12 grades. Prospective students must submit application forms by Sunday, October 15, and a selection process is used to assure adequate diversity and balance in the program. Most program sessions are held at locations in Central Monmouth County. Sessions are conducted on Sunday afternoons, from 3:30 - 5:30 p.m., roughly every other week (adjusting asneeded for holidays), and include a presentation by the youth of the faith group that is hosting that session. Students have the opportunity to earn volunteer service hours for each session and special service projects attended. They are eligible to get a completion certificate if they attend 60% of the year's faith sessions and participate in at least one of the special service projects. The full MOSAIC calendar is posted on
The kickoff session is being planned and will be announced shortly. This session is MANDATORY for all participants.