Please read the enclosed instructions carefully and fill out the questionnaire with as much information as you can.
Failure to complete the MSQ may result in your appointment being rescheduled.
Emergency Contact
Please list current and ongoing problems in order of priority:
Age at introduction of:
Previous Smoking:
If "None," skip to Other Substances Previous
Daily Stressors: Rate on scale of 1-10
Who is living in Household?
Rate on a scale of: 5 (Very willing) to 1 (Not willing).
In order to improve your health, how willing you are:
Rate on a scale of: 5 (Very confident) to 1(Not confident at all)
Rate on a scale of: 5 (Very supportive) to 1 (Very unsupportive)
Rate on a scale of: 5 (Very frequent contact) to 1 (Very infrequent contact)
It is important to keep an accurate record of your usual food and beverage intake as a part of your treatment plan. Please complete this Diet Diary for 3 consecutive days including one weekend day.