Payment is required at the time of Application. One payment can be made for multiple applications. Payment by Direct Deposit is preferred.
Bank details
Institution: NAB
Account Name: AABMGS Inc
BSB: 084-657
Account: 74 005 9147
Notification to:
Payment by cheque or money order
Make cheque or money order to AABMGS Inc and post to:
The Registrar
1165 Brightview Road
Brightview QLD 4311
By submitting this application for membership of the Australian All Breeds of Miniature Goat and Sheep Society Inc.
You agree, if accepted by our commitee to pay the appropriate subscription fees.
During your period of membership you agree to support the AABMGS in a positive manner
Comply with the Rules, Regulations and Code of ethics designed to promote these Objectives
as approved by the AABMGS Committee and/or General Meetings of Members.
I/we hereby apply for membership with the AABMGS Inc. (Australian All Breeds of Miniature Goat & Sheep Society), and agree, if accepted, to pay forthwith the appropriate subscription fees. During my/our period of membership I/we agree to support the Objectives of the AABMGS and to comply with Rules, Regulations and Code of Ethics designed to promote these Objectives as approved by the AABMGS Committee and/or General Meeting of Members.
- Payment is required at the time of application. If your application for membership is unsuccessful, your payment will be refunded. Payment by direct deposit is preferred.