1. Membership is available to anyone 18 years of age or older.
2. You promise not to use to conduct any fraudulent or business activity or have more than one Member Account at any time.
3. You are representing T4GB group on the air, please watch your behaviour. You agree to conduct yourself responsibly and respectfully whilst using your T4GB callsign.
4. Country Moderators agree to manage members in their country and report any abuse to the International Administrator.
5. You are responsible for your station equipment. The T4GB Administrators, it's members and affiliated individuals are not responsible or liable for any interference or issues caused by operating non standard CB radio equipment in any given country. Issues with the authorities such as band interference are the sole responsibilty of the operator using said equipment. T4GB cannot be held responsible for radio spectrum laws broken in your country.
6. Members are obliged to use their T4GB callsign in DX calls.
8. The callsign issued is stricly personal and it’s not assignable to other CB operators.
9. You agree to the charge of US$25 per year payable in advance to use your T4GB callsign. This charge gives you permission to use your allocated callsign and become a member of the social media page on Facebook.