Guidance Notes for completion of Grant Application Form
These notes are designed to help applicants to determine whether their application meets the objectives of the Skipton Mechanics’ Institute:
1. The objectives of the Trust are:
- The encouragement and assistance of local clubs, organisations and associations, schools and colleges, located within the Area of Benefit*, in the pursuance of studies, or the public performances of, or lectures or exhibitions relating to, science literature and the arts;
- The promotion of and assistance with the education (including further education) of pupils or past pupils of any school or college in the area of benefit and who are (or whose parents are) resident within the area of benefit;
- The assistance of any local organisation or association undertaking any form of activity or recreation for young people in the area of benefit;
- To make financial grants for such of the above purposes as shall be of a charitable or educational nature.
2. The “Area of Benefit” means the former Skipton Urban and Rural District Council (see below).
3. The Trust supports the costs of an idea or project but does not contribute towards building, construction or maintenance.
4. If the request relates to “promotion of and assistance with the education of pupils or past pupils of any school or college in the Area of Benefit”, please also include the signature of your current or future Head of Institution.
5. Where a grant is made relating to a group, institution or organisation, the group, institution or organisation agrees to participate in the issue of a press release regarding the project or activity.
6. Where a grant is made relating to an individual, the individual agrees, if appropriate, to participate in the issue of a press release regarding the award.