Through a partnership with Pathful Connect, STEM Network is pleased to help Cape Cod teachers bring real life STEM professionals into their classroom. After completing this form, we will send you the information on how to view the event in your classroom with students.
Featured November / December Panels
11/14 - What is AI and How to Use It 11:30am - 12:15pm (High School)
Join this interactive and inspiring session as I discuss my career. During this engaging presentation using visuals and questions, you will have the opportunity to get insight into what a artificial intelligence is and how to it can work for you and what to expect in the future. This session will be led by Nicole Jackson Head of Digital Transformation at
11/16 - How To Become a Forensic Scientist 12:15 - 1:00PM (Middle School and High School)
This session will bridge the gap between classroom learning and practical applications using real-life examples and interactive discussions. Discover what classes you should plan to take to become a forensic scientist. We will also go over examples of how subjects you are currently learning is used everyday in my career. We will work through an example problem together followed by an interactive Q&A. This session will be led by Katherine Kim, Forensic Investigator - Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.
11/28 - Be a Video Game Creator 2:15 - 3:00 pm (Middle School and High School)
Join this interactive and inspiring session as I discuss my career as a video game creator. During this engaging presentation using visuals and questions, you will have the opportunity to get insight into what a career in this field is like, learn about education requirements, and gain invaluable advice for finding success and more! Led by Cameron Cintron, Lead Software Engineer at Blue Street Studios.
11/30 - How I Use Art in My Career 2:30 - 2:50pm (Elementary)
This session will bridge the gap between classroom learning and practical applications using real-life examples and interactive discussions. Discover how I use art and creativity in my professional career. We will work through an example problem together followed by an interactive Q&A. Led by Vera Hamilton, Motion Graphics Wizard - BioDigital Media LLC.
12/08 - What You Need to Know About Code 3:00 - 3:30pm (Grades 3 - 8)
Embark on a coding adventure for Computer Science Education week during this half-hour of code! In this interactive session, you will discover the exciting world of coding through creative and engaging activities. Throughout this session, you will learn what the language of code is, how problem-solving is used, and will learn simple coding activities you can do on your own.
Panels and sessions are available outside of STEM Week as well. Additional panels are available that are not described above. We can also help you set up a personalized session based on the interests of your students in the future. Please don't hesitate to reach out to Rachel at if you are interested in learning more about virtual panels in your classroom.