Hosting an S-Anon/S-Ateen International Convention
Upon receipt, the World Service Office will forward this bid submission to the S-Anon International Convention Committee (ICC) Chair. You will be notified once a decision has been made. Questions? Contact the S-Anon ICC Chairperson,
Requested Convention Month
July (BOT & WSC meetings proceed IC)
Requested Convention Year
Which upcoming year would you like apply for?
Convention Type
S-Anon & S-Ateen International Convention
S-Anon, S-Ateen, & SA International Conventions
S-Anon & S-Ateen International Convention with local SA participation
Proposed City, State/Province for Convention
Planning Committee Contact
First name and last initial
Chairperson Location
City, State of residence
Chairperson Email
Chairperson Phone
Other Committee Members
Please list the first name and last initial of all committee members identfied so far.
Suggested Steps in Coordinating Bid Submission
Check to see that members in your groups and on the host committee have discussed the items listed below.
Have you discussed the possibility of hosting an IC with all local S-Anon groups to gather interest?
If an Intergroup exists in your area, have you discussed the possibility of hosting an IC with Intergroup members?
Have you discussed the possibility of hosting an IC with the local SA Intergroup or groups?
Has your area hosted an IC before?
Has any committee member participated in hosting an IC before?
How many S-Anon groups are there in your area each week?
What retreats, speakers meetings, other meetings has area S-Anon groups or a local Intergroup hosted the last two years? - select all that apply
One Day Marathon or Retreats
Open Meetings
Speaker Meeting
Does the host committee commit to adhering to and honoring the S-Anon Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and Twelve Concepts, along with the International Convention Guidelines, in its planning process?
Should be Empty: