As a Zikaron participant, I will help build a feeling of friendship, respect, and safety. I will treat others with Kavod (honor and respect) because we are all created B'tzelem Elohim (in God's image). I have read the following rules, designed to promote the health and safety of all participants and help build a Kehillah Kedosha (holy community), and my signature at the bottom of this page shows that I agree to follow these rules. At all times that I am at a Zikaron event or program, I will participate fully to the best of my ability for the duration of the program and remain within the designated perimeters.
1. I will use good judgment and remember that my actions and words affect my friends and my community.
2. I will respect the property and the environment around me. All property rights are to be respected, including personal belongings, facilities, and equipment.
3. I will respect myself and others, refraining from any inappropriate behavior. The feelings and physical space of all participants must be respected at all times.
4. I will respect and fully cooperate with every staff person, including Federation staff, JCC staff, and other adults at the various sites that we visit.
5. No tobacco (cigarettes, e-cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, etc.), alcohol, drugs, sexual activity, bullying, harassment, gambling, damaging or defacing of property, weapons, or any other illegal activity are allowed. If participants engage in any of the aforementioned activities, participant(s) will call their parents/ guardians in the presence of a staff person and may be sent home at the financial expense of the family. If a participant is present when other participants are engaging in any such activities, the participant will be considered to have also engaged in the activity and may face the same ramifications as the other participants.
6. I will not leave any group activity without the permission of the Zikaron staff.
7. While staying in hotels I will:
- Keep the noise level to a respectable low level so to not disturb other guests
- Socialize during free time or after programs have ended in pre-approved locations and rooms.
Note: Participants may only meet in other participants' rooms with prior permission from staff.
8. Curfew will be determined each evening by the staff at the conclusion of the scheduled activities.
9. No guests are allowed at programs and events, unless permission is granted in advance by a member of the Rochester Zikaron team, and all unauthorized guests will be asked to leave immediately.
10. I will be a role model for my friends and community in helping to follow these rules and guidelines, and any other rules or guidelines pertinent to a specific event or program that are announced by the staff or leadership.
11. I understand that if I do not follow these rules, I could be asked to leave the program or event and my participation in future programs and events could be in question.
12. If a situation arises where staff strongly suspect that a major infraction has occurred, but are unable to determine if the possession or use of drugs, alcohol, theft, weapons, sexual activity, bullying, harassment, gambling, defacement of property or other illegal activity has occurred, participants who are present in the room or situation will call their parent(s)/legal guardian(s) in the presence of staff. Any disciplinary action taken by the staff will be made in consultation with the Jewish Federation. Parent(s)/legal guardian(s) shall be notified of the decision made by the staff and agree to abide by such decision.