By signing below, I agree to thoroughly familiarize myself with and abide by the Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, and Policies of FRAOR. I agree to follow the FRAOR Intellectual Property Usage Policy and all trademarks.
I consent that the REALTOR® Associations (local, state, and national) and their subsidiaries, if any (e.g., IMLS, Foundation) may contact me at the specified addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, email addresses, or other means of contact that I may provide, through various communication channels, including but not limited to, bulk emails, text messages, online messaging systems, phone calls, and direct mail, and that high volume messages will include an opportunity to opt-out, or, that I can contact FRAOR at 208-741-5551 to update my contact information and communication preferences at any time.
Further, this consent applies to changes in my contact information that I may provide to the Association(s) in the future. This consent recognizes that certain state and federal laws may place limits on communications that I am able to opt-out of, so that I still receive communications necessary to maintain my membership.
I understand that FRAOR does not sell or share email lists with third parties, other than their subsidiaries, IMLS & Foundation bi-annually.