By signing this waiver, we, the undersigned student, parent or guardian, agree the risks of participating in activities held by Seasons of Skating (SOS) and waive all claims for any personal injury and/or loss or damage to property and hereby release the SOS/Ice Arena and its staff, volunteers and agents from any liability whatsoever, which may arise as a result of participation in the Seasons of Skating activities. This release shall extend to all future damages and injuries of every nature and however sustained, even if due to the negligence or alleged negligence of Seasons of Skating, Ice Arena or their staff or volunteers. All risk associated with observing or participating in the Seasons of Skating are hereby assumed by the student and his or her parents and/or guardian and this assumption and release are acknowleged and approved by their signature hereto.
Seasons of Skating reserves the right to terminate the contract of any student, without refund, when it is deemed to be in the best interest of either the student or Seasons of Skating. I have read and understand the exposure risk and the guidelines for participation in the activities held by Seasons of Skating. I have read the foregoing, explained its meaning to my child or ward and hereby do approve and consent to the terms and conditions stated. I further acknowledge being the parent or legal guardian of the applicant that the information given on this application is complete and accurate.