2023 - Arts & Collectibles Auction Form
Use this form to submit the Antiquities, Art Objects, Collectibles, Home Furnishings, or Jewelry that you wish to donate and sell in the auction. You will need to hold onto all donated items until the auction closes. You will be notified of who the winners is and they will be given your information. You can then contact each other to arrange pickup or drop off. Please include dimensions, or terms and conditions for ability to deliver, specifical installation or care instructions.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Item Category
Please Select
Art Objects
Home Furnishings
Select the category that best fits your item
Item Name
Item Description
Item Dimensions
Please include Length, Height, Width or other dimensions that are relevant.
Terms and conditions
Please supply any terms conditions such as: Willingness to ship or deliver, or Installation instructions, or special framing or care instructions.
Item Value
Please enter the item value rounded to the nearest dollar amount - example 50.00. You can use the internet to research if needed!
Suggested Opening Bidding Price
What is your suggestion? It should be less than the value, and enough to entice bidding! The Auctioneer can set this if you leave it blank and we reserve the right to change it to make the item competetive.
Item Images Upload
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
You can submit up to three images. For smaller objects, please use a ruler or other object to help define the size.
Should be Empty: