We do not offer art photography in-house.
Our longtime art photographer, Pat Bruener, has opened up a photography store in Bloomfield and we would appreciate you giving him your business.
We do not recommend scanning for artwork.
Scanning is best for documents because it blasts light against the glass and creates a high-contrast copy removing any highlighter-like colors.
In the late twenty-teens, mirrorless cameras with high megapixel counts became available to professional photographers bringing an abundance of improved color and quality to digitizing artwork.
If you would like to do art photography yourself;
You will want a camera that can produce images in a resolution that is suitable for printing. The size of your prints is up to you. A smartphone with a 12-megapixel camera will produce images that can print clearly at about 11” x 14” so if you want to print larger than that, you will want something that can produce larger quality images.
A cloudy day outside is perfect for art photography. The reflections will be minimal and the clouds will diffuse the light.
On a bright and sunny day, you can find a shaded area.
If outdoors is not an option, try to find an area inside where there is natural light and no major artificial lighting adding lighting or shading to any particular area of the art piece.
Square up your camera frame to be even with the artwork so in the four corners the artwork is not askew.
If you’re using a DSLR or Mirrorless camera, you will want to also take a good photo using a smartphone (if it’s available) so that when you’re editing you will have a variation to help you balance the colors.
Edit your file so it is perfectly square or rectangle, at the size you want it to print, with proper color adjustments.