Payment is required at the time of Application. One payment can be made for multiple applications. Payment by Direct Deposit is preferred.
Bank details
Institution: NAB
Account Name: AABMGS Inc
BSB: 084-657
Account: 74 005 9147
Notification to:
Payment by cheque or money order
Make cheque or money order to AABMGS Inc and post to:
The Registrar
1165 Brightview Road
Brightview QLD 4311
By submitting this application for membership of the Australian All Breeds of Miniature Goat and Sheep Society Inc.
- You agree, if accepted by our commitee to pay the appropriate subscription fees.
During your period of membership you agree to support the AABMGS in a positive manner
Comply with the Rules, Regulations and Code of ethics designed to promote these Objectives
as approved by the AABMGS Committee and/or General Meetings of Members.
I/we hereby apply for membership with the AABMGS Inc. (Australian All Breeds of Miniature Goat & Sheep Society), and agree, if accepted, to pay forthwith the appropriate subscription fees. During my/our period of membership I/we agree to support the Objectives of the AABMGS and to comply with Rules, Regulations and Code of Ethics designed to promote these Objectives as approved by the AABMGS Committee and/or General Meeting of Members.
- Payment is required at the time of application. If your application for membership is unsuccessful, your payment will be refunded. Payment by direct deposit is preferred.