Applicant Information
Applicant's Full Name (as it appears on your driver's license/state ID):
First Name
Last Name
Applicant's Full Date of Birth:
Co-Applicant's Full Name and DOB (if applicable):
Applicant's Mobile Phone #:
Applicant's E-mail:
Applicant's Address:
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
If your application is approved, we may ask for a copy of your driver's license/state ID to confirm some of the above information you provided. You can choose to upload a copy of your license/ID ahead of time here to speed up the adoption process, or you may wait to email it to us upon request.
Browse Files
If your application is approved, what is your preferred contact method?
Please list any upcoming date(s) you and your household are available to participate in a meet and greet with the cat(s) you are interested in, if your application is approved. We will do our best to schedule with you for one of these dates.
Do you currently have a submitted adoption application with another rescue or shelter?
What is your employment status?
Are you currently a college student?
Not yet, but will be in the future
What are your plans with your new kitty, following graduation?
Do you currently have a regular veterinarian/vet office that you use for current or previous pets?
Please provide us with the facility name and phone number.
Please explain why you do not currently have a vet (if you currently do not own any animals, please make note of that here).
Household Information
What kind of home do you reside in?
Do you own or rent?
Live with parent/guardian
Does your parent/guardian own or rent their home?
If you selected "rent", does the landlord allow cats?
Per your lease, how many cats are you allowed to own?
Please provide the landlord's name and phone number:
Phone Number
In the event you ever need to move, what would happen to your new kitty?
If your application is approved, we will ask for a copy of your current lease to confirm the above information you provided. You can choose to upload a copy of your lease ahead of time here to speed up the adoption process, or you may wait to email it to us upon request.
Browse Files
Please list the legal first and last name of each adult in your household, excluding yourself.
How many children are in your household?
How old are the children in the home? *please check all that apply
1-7 years old
8-12 years old
12+ years old
Who will be the pet's primary caregiver in your household?
Is everyone in your household prepared to adopt a cat?
No, it's a surprise/gift
No, I have yet to discuss it with them
Is anyone in your household allergic to cats?
Please tell us the severity of the allergy and what they will do to help maintain that allergy with a cat in the home.
How would you describe the environment in your household?
Your Dream Kitty
Have you seen any kitties that caught your eye yet? If so, please check all that apply.
George - Adoption Fee $50
Kacey - Adoption Fee $50
Linda - Adoption Fee $50
Wendy - Adoption Fee $50
Tink - Adoption Fee $50
Midge - Adoption Fee $50
Karen - Adoption Fee $0
Hook - Adoption Fee $0
Hera - Adoption Fee $0
Mary - Adoption Fee $0
Stella - Adoption Fee $0
Ophelia - Adoption Fee $50
Duncan - Adoption Fee $50
Clawdia - Adoption Fee $0
Tabbytha - Adoption Fee $0
Kelvin - Adoption Fee $0
Peter - Adoption Fee $50
Boo - Adoption Fee $50
Artemis - Adoption Fee $50
Hamlet - Adoption Fee $50
Bee - Adoption Fee $50
If the kitty you're applying for is already pending adoption or we feel they would not fit comfortably into your home and lifestyle, would you be interested in meeting others?
Gender Preference
No preference
Age Preference *please check all that apply
Young Kitten (12 wks - 6 mos)
Junior Kitten (7-11 mos)
Junior Adult (1-2 yrs)
Prime Adult (3-6 yrs)
Mature Adult (7-10 yrs
Senior (11-14 yrs)
Super Senior (> 15 yrs)
No preference
We require all of our kittens (under 6 mos old) to be adopted into a home with another friendly kitty playmate, for their social benefit. This means that if you do not currently own any friendly, playful cats and are applying to adopt one of our kittens, you can expect to adopt TWO kitties from us instead. This eliminates the risk of Single Kitten Syndrome. We do not make any exceptions to this stipulation. Dogs are not considered compatible playmates for kittens. Do you understand?
How many cats or kittens are you open to adopting at this time?
Fur Length Preference *please check all that apply
No preference
Which phrase(s) describes best what personality traits you are looking for in a cat? Please check all that apply.
Must be comfortable with children
Must like other cats
Must like dogs
Shy but sweet and friendly
Spicy and challenging, but has potential to bond with me over time
Low maintenance and easy-going
Lazy, couch potato, quiet
Active, energetic, playful
Friendly and outgoing
Cuddly and affectionate
What is most important to you about a cat or kitten when adopting? *please check all that apply
Spending time with me and keeping me company
Traveling with me
Earning their companionship and trust
Cuddling and bonding
Making my household feel complete
Playing with toys, teaching tricks
Being my Emotional Support Animal (ESA)
Being a good mouser/barn cat
Their personality being compatible with my lifestyle
Giving my current pet(s) a playmate
Existing Fur-members
What kind of pet(s) do you currently own? *please check all that apply
Small animal (bird, rabbit, hamster, guinea pig, gerbil, etc.)
Reptile (snake, lizard, etc.)
I do not currently own any pets.
Please tell us all of your pets' names, species, breeds, and ages.
If you do not currently own cats, have you previously owned any cats?
How long ago did you previously own a cat?
Where did your current pet(s) come from (family member, shelter, rescue, etc.)? *if adopted from a rescue or shelter, please provide the facility's name
Please tell us about your current pets' personalities and how they do with meeting new cats.
Are they all spayed/neutered?
Please tell us which animals are not currently spayed/neutered and why.
Are they all up-to-date on rabies and distemper vaccines?
Please tell us which animals are not currently up-to-date on vaccines and why.
Has your cat(s) been previously tested for Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) and Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV)?
What were the results of the testing (we will require copies of their results)?
We will require your existing cats to be tested for FIV and FeLV prior to adopting one of our kitties. This is for the health and safety concerns of both your and our cats. If your application is approved, is this something you're willing to do prior to adoption?
If your application is approved, we will ask for copies of your current pets' vet records to confirm the above information you provided. You can choose to upload their records ahead of time here to speed up the adoption process, or you may wait to email them to us upon request.
Browse Files
Additional Information
When adopting, some expenses to be prepared for are annual vet visits/vaccinations, dental care, grooming, monthly flea/tick/heartworm preventatives, food, litter, and emergency vet visits. Are you financially prepared to adopt a new kitty?
When you go on vacation or leave out of town for any occasion, what plan do you have in place for your new kitty during the time you are away? Who would be caring for them?
How many hours each day will your new pet be home alone?
Where are all of the places your cat will have access to? Please check all that apply.
Entire house indoors
Main level
Screened-in porch
Sun room
Outside porch
Fenced-in yard
Please clarify how your new kitty will have access to the outdoors (free roam, in a catio or enclosed playpen, balcony, in a pet stroller, etc.).
Please clarify how your new kitty will have access to the outside porch (free roam, in a catio or enclosed playpen, on a harness, etc.).
Please clarify how your new kitty will have access to the yard (free roam, in a catio or enclosed playpen, on a harness, etc.).
Please clarify how your new kitty will have access to the balcony (free roam, in a catio or enclosed playpen, on a harness, etc.).
Do you plan on having your new cat declawed?
Please explain why you would have this procedure done to your new kitty, and if you are aware of the negative longterm side effects declawing causes.
Have you previously had a cat declawed?
If you answered "yes", please tell us how long ago this was and explain why you had this procedure done.
Have you previously surrendered an animal to a shelter/rescue or rehomed an animal?
If you answered "yes", please explain why.
*if surrendered to a rescue or shelter, please provide the facility's name
What do you consider acceptable reasons to return your cat to the rescue? Please check all that apply.
Aggressive biting
If cat developed health issues
Expensive vet bill
If I had any health problems come up
Changes to my work schedule
Having a baby
Not getting along with current pets
Chewing or scratching furniture or other household items
Someone in my household developed cat allergies
Urinating or defecating outside the litter box
In the event you could no longer care for your new cat or something happens to you, what would happen to them?
We do offer same-day adoptions for approved applicants if kitty and adopter show compatibility at the meet and greet. Would you be interested in doing a same-day adoption?
Yes, my heart is set and I'm fully prepared to bring home the kitty the day of the meet and greet!
Maybe, I need to make sure we're compatible at the meet and greet first!
No, I just need to take a day or two, following the meet and greet, to make a final decision or to prepare.
We require our adopters to schedule a vet appointment for their new kitty prior to taking them home, to get them established with a veterinarian. If you do not currently have a vet, we will recommend one to you. Is this something you're prepared and able to do?
Home checks are required to ensure the kitty will be living in a safe and cleanly environment. Our home checks are done virtually. This being said, if your application is approved, we will ask that you submit photos to us of the common areas of your home. Is this something you are prepared and able to do? These photos are never kept or shared with anyone.
If your application is approved, we may ask that all existing household members, including roommates and children, participate during the meet and greet with the cat/kitten you are interested in adopting. Is this something everyone in your household is prepared to do?
A new environment can be stressful and scary for a cat, and they may exhibit uncharacteristic behavior upon arriving at your home (timidness, hiding, hissing at other animals, etc.). Are you prepared to follow proper introduction protocols that we will go over with you, upon taking your new cat home?
A cat is a 10-20 year commitment and should be considered a permanent part of your family. Is this something you're prepared for?
Depending on the kitty(ies) you adopt, an adoption fee is required to be paid prior to taking them home. Adoption fees go directly towards the expenses of another cat's care here at our rescue. Our adoption fees can be found on our FAQs page on our website or on the kitty's profile. Is this an expense you're prepared for?
Have you ever been convicted or accused of any animal-related crime, such as animal cruelty, animal neglect, animal theft, or animal abandonment?
Please tell us more about the crime/accusation. How long ago was this? Were you convicted?
How did you find out about Kitty Co. Cat Rescue?
Google Search
Family member/friend
At a vendor show/adoption event
Is there anything else you would like to tell us?
Personal References
Please list 3 names and contact information of people not currently living with you, who are also not immediate family. These references should be able to tell us a little bit about you or your experience with being a pet owner. Please tell these individuals that they may receive a call, text, or e-mail from "Kitty Co. Cat Rescue" if your application is approved. Thank you!
Reference #1
First and Last Name
Phone # or E-mail
Reference #2
First and Last Name
Phone # or E-mail
Reference #3
First and Last Name
Phone # or E-mail
Sign and Submit
By signing below, I have completed this application truthfully and understand that completion of this questionnaire does not guarantee adoption. I understand that if approved, I am required to follow Kitty Co. Cat Rescue's adoption process to take my new cat home. I am financially ready and my entire household is prepared to welcome a new cat into our home.
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